American artist Tauba Auerbach’s work explores new territory and seems really fresh and interesting; she is definitely mining a rich creative seam, creating bold, graphic, sometimes puzzling work centered around communication and information. Fascinated by language – from phonetics to anagrams to actual letterforms, as well as the implications of miscommunication – much of her work borders on the abstract whilst reveling in the written symbol and mark.
From an early age Auerbach, originally from San Francisco, knew she wanted to be an artist but chose to study maths and science at Stanford University. After graduating she worked for three years as a professional sign painter, which started “an aesthetic fascination” with words, which has never left her, and has obviously had a huge bearing on her work. Initially exploring letterforms and different alphabets – maritime signals, the ancient Phoenician alphabet – she then became more intrigued with letter frequencies in common texts, and the way words morph and slide. Its hard to tell from the images here but despite appearing computer generated, virtually all her work is painstakingly painted by hand (which took its toll at one point when Auerbach suffered from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, finally persuading her to hire an assistant).
With the painted word so key to Auerbach’s work there are echoes of Ed Ruscha, with his gnomic sayings and phrases, and the work of Bridget Riley is also a major influence. More recently she has begun to explore the digital realm – representations of binary patterns and large scale photographs of static – taking her work to another level of complexity and repetition
“In looking at the material of what is behind anything digitized — ones and zeros, or a signal and then the absence of a signal — I’ve come to feel that the system is prohibitively absolute. It’s a simple idea of something being there or not being there, and that’s what continues to fascinate me.”

شركة تنظيف فلل بالرياض تتيح لكم ما تحتاجونه من خدمات تنظيف في مختلف المنشآت بجميع المساحات والأغراض والمحتويات، إذ أن الشركة تقدم من خلال أفضل العمال والمتخصصين وبإشراف الخبراء الذين تستعين بهم الشركة للإشراف على ما يتم القيام به من مهام وخدمات وتوفير كافة سبل الراحة لعملائها الكرام من خلال ما تستعين به من وسائل ومواد ومعدات تتميز بتقنياتها المتطورة والحديثة والتي تواكب من خلالها مستلزمات العصر الحديث و للوصول إلى أفضل ما قد يتطلع له العملاء بجميع فئاتهم في ما يأملون في الوصول لها من مستوى خاص بنظافة المنشأة التي يقيمون فيها أو يعملون بها ويسعون جاهدين إلى أن تظهر بأجمل هيئة وأكمل صورة داخليا وخارجيا.
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يتمتع عملاء الشركة بمزايا لا تتوافر بالشركات الأخرى إذ أن أسعارنا هي الأرخص والأفضل رغم أن خدماتنا هي الأضمن والأفضل والأكثر تميزا بالمقارنة مع كبرى الشركات المماثلة إذ أن خدماتنا وأسعارنا لا منافس لها وتتميز شركة نظافة فلل بالرياض بما توفره من عروض ذات أسعار وخصومات رائعة ومذهلة على تنظيف الفلل وتعطيرها وتعقيمها جيدا من الاوبئة والجراثيم التي توجد فى تلك المساحات من الفلل الكبيرة والصغيرة .
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