There are those, who, when they look at the world, just seem to see things a little….differently. Will Rogan is one of those people. An artist and photographer based in California, Rogan has a charming and slanted take on things, and seems to see larger, mysterious ideas at work in the everyday and mundane. Whether its playful puns as with his altered Life magazine covers, or more cosmic ideas like the Other Worlds series (which brings to mind the Sun Ra line “There are other worlds they have not told you of”), Rogan explores ideas of memory, permanence, and even our place in the universe in a humorous, low-key way. His MUM series uses vintage copies of the brilliantly titled Magic Unity Might, a trade magic publication. Here Rogan carefully erases the magicians from the images as they perform their tricks, along with any explanatory text, to leave only ghostly silhouettes amidst the results of their illusions. Even his snapshots seems to allude to grander forces at work in the seemingly haphazard occurrences of everyday life.
Along with fellow artist John Herschend he also edits the arts quarterly The Thing, where a guest writer, artist or musician creates a specific project for each issue, that Rogan and Herschend then wrap en masse (at a wrapping party) and mail out to contributors.

Life Obscured, 2008
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