Hallowe'en has just passed, Guy Fawlkes night is just around the corner, and its that time of year when monsters and ghouls are out after dark and there's a certain weird menace in the air. So it seems a perfect time to post the pictures of Danish photographer Asger Carlsen, and not say too much about them, since many of his images are just so weird that perhaps its better to leave it up to the viewer as to just what the f*ck they are looking at.
Suffice to say that most of these images are from Carlsen's 'Wrong' series, and they are just that. He can take quite lyrical, interesting photographs when he chooses to, of conventional subjects: nudes, portraits, etc; but for the most part he lets that twisted Danish mind of his run wild, and make queasily believable images of something else entirely.

من خلال خدماتنا في صيانة كريازي سنوفر لأجهزة منزلك الكهربائية قطع الغيار الأصلية بأسعار تناسبكم.